Thursday, September 3, 2015


This year has been off to a great start so far. I am excited to be part of Funshine express and blog about all the fun things we are doing with the curriculum.
 This year I will be doing Buttercups. The ages are 0-36 months. I have mostly toddlers this year. So I needed a younger curriculum. 
 Buttercups is based on the learning curve of the ages. A calendar with numbers is not being used, but a attendance chart and a weather chart and shape chart are the resources. 

*disclaimer: I will have a better display wall, I just have to figure out what.

We will still do crafts and simple games,but there are 4 themes instead of 2 because we spend shorter time on each one. Creative art is not every day,where last year with fireflies it wasn't
The first theme is Special me.
The kids are loving looking in mirrors and seeing theirselves. I decided to have some fun and make silly faces in the mirror and the kids started doing the same thing, which is what I going for. 

While the kids looked in the mirror, we sang this song which was in the curriculm guide.
             To the tune of " Are you sleeping?"
          In the mirror, in the mirror,
            Look and see! Look and see!
            Who is in the mirror? Who is in the        mirror?
            Look! It's me! Look! It's me!

One of the great things I Love about Funshine is the kit always comes with books. The buttercups, have age appropriate hard books and a manipulative to go along with the themes. 

(The mirror was on the material list) which is also included. All the work is done for you, how great is that for the busy life we all have .
 One of the cognitive development activities was making a me puppet.
The activity is planned out with materials in the curriculm guide.

How cute are these? The kids loved looking in the circle mirror.

I am a huge fan of using trays. It gives the children ownership of their work and it keeps all the materials close to them and in a spot, rather than crayons and glue sticks rolling off the table.

I am looking forward to sharing all the activities Funshine Express has planned.
Check back later for more.

*if you are a new follower, welcome and hope you enjoy. Remember to follow me on Instagram for more daily happenings.

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