Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bats and spiders and pumpkins oh my!

I'm We have been quite busy getting into our web wonders theme.
The kids seem to really enjoy this. Gears them up for Friday!
Funshine provides so many facts about things, that I even learn from them and holidays and special named days that I had no idea exsisted.
Lena and Kaelis enjoyed the catch the spider game that Funshine provided and Lena is getting very good at writing her 6 and check out those spider legs on the practice page.

Who is under the mask? No one will know. This was one of the art projects provided by Funshine. Isn't it cool?

Lena working in her 3D pumpkin.
This cute boy is proud of his pumpkin. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The itsy bitsy spider

On Thursday we made spider webs and added a spider. The kids enjoyed singing the itsy bitsy spider while sliding the spider up and down. 

We had fun painting pumpkins and  making cool designs. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Web wonder fun

Web wonders is going to a fun theme. Even though, I am not a fan of spiders, I think this will be a blast for the kiddos. The weather has been warm this week so we have spotted a few 8 legged friends!
Yesterday we had fun making our own pizza for lunch.
This was our pizza that we made. This was creative arts in the Funshine 
curriculum. This was a hamburger pizza.

We learned about the letter F and what sounds it makes. I have these word cards and we went I. A hunt for F words.
We practiced tracing the letter F.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cat in the hat

This is the last week of hats.
The kids really enjoyed learning about all kinds of hats and making all kinds of different hats. 
One girl put on a winter hat in the house area and said " this hat is for really cold days ." 
 I got the parachute out and put different hats in the middle and hen we bounced them to the song to many hats on the Funshine's curriculum cd.

Today we made the cat and the hat  hat. I chose to do construction paper instead of paint so the girls could practice cutting the strips 

I also had the kids put stickers on a big number five.

The shape of the month is a triangle so I got out the shape monster felt activity. The monster was only eating triangle that day so the girls had to find the triangles and feed them to the monster.

 Since halloween is getting closer,I decided to introduce the shadow matching. 

This little bundle of joy had fun learning to match pumpkins. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sailing the ocean blue

 Which Yesterday was Columbus Day and we enjoyed pretending to sail the ocean blue on our teater totter.
  The girls enjoyed making their own sail boat.

We  read the The little scarecrow boy. This was one of the books on Funshine's book list. 
Since I have 2 older girls that I do curriculum with we decided to make little scarecrow girls.

We are learning all about the sounds the letter E makes and finding objects that start with E. Today we stamped the letter E on the Letrer E. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hats off to you

Before I found Funshine express I would always do my own lesson planning and sometimes that would be difficult especially with the same kids coming back every year
  Funshine changes that and provides many ideas and facts that I did not know about.
 We have been talking about hats and doing so many fun activities.
Yesterday we made chef hats and I provided aprons that we already had in the house area.
It was so cute watching the girls pretend they were chefs. I asked why chefs had to wear and hat and that if they did not the could find hair in the hair food. 
 They were pretty disgusted by that and one girl said she is going to tell her mommy to wear a hat because she is always leaving hair behind. Ha!

Mr. Potato head has a bunch of hats so we put different hats in each one and than kept switching th around.

Lena had fun with the vintage fire engine. She loved how tall the ladder went.

I have this pumpkin game and I just set it out in the table and Wait and see how the kids react. My daughter always says hey, what is that on the table?

We read Zoe's Hat and learned that she had sonny different hats.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fire safety

Happy Monday.

 Today was fire safety day for curriculum. 
I always enjoy talking about fire engines and firefighters because the children love it! 
Today we read  Flashing Fire Engines.
This was one of the books recommended by Funshine express. 
 We also enjoyed making our own fire engines. Before we start I show them the picture that is in the teacher guide from Funshine express, but I really like them to create their own art. 
 What I like about Art and preschool is every child will do the same process with the same materials, but each one will be different.
 I enjoy seeing the different ways the process comes out.
Here are a couple examples.

The same materials we used for this.

 Black stickers for the wheels 
Blue paper for the background
Red paper for the fire engine
Paper sticks for the ladder
Stickers to put in the truck.
All this was in the kit from Funshine express. Such a life savor.

When you order the kit you have a choice of enrichment worksheets or practice journal pages. I chose the enrichment this month.
Today we worked on the letter D and f added dots to the firedog and then  colored the picture.