Thursday, April 21, 2016

Let it rain

Let it rain is for sure a great topic to talk about. It has rained the last 2 days and the weather chart had not changed from rainy.
Funshine express is really good at picking theme that go perfect with the seasons.

The past couple days we have worked hard on our raining flowers pictures.

Day 1 we drew blue circles for rain drops.
Day 2 we added the raindrops and flowers and grass. 
It is amazing what children soak up.
I asked them if they remember what the blue dots are and why we used a blue crayon.
They all knew it was raindrops and water is blue.
It has been pretty raining and gloomy so we all did a sunshine dance today.
Remember to like my facebook page Coleykidscreations

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bee dance and honeycombs

We have focused on bees a lot.
We have been having fun flying like bees. 
We have used yellow and black crayons and made all kinds of bees and honeycombs. 

This book was on the book list in the curriuculm.  After we read this, we made cute bee headbands and did the 
bee dance.
I wanted them to pose with headbands and this is as good as I could get! 

Since bees live in a honeycomb, I thought it was fitting to glue honeycomb cereal in paper and then have it for snack. It was a hit!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Birds and bees cont....

We have been enjoying the birds and bee theme. We just finished up birds and will continue with bees.

In my deck every year a robin makes her nest and one day we will notice eggs. This nest is from last year and it fell apart when I grabbed it, but we observed what the robins use to make their nest, how many eggs can fit in the nest. 
It is amazing how it all comes together.

Every day I let one of the kids choose snack and this day a friend picked fruity o's because they looked like bird nests. 
Well they certaintly do!

Another game that  came with curiculum was this hatching game. 
This game was fun and the kids loved singing the song and turning the eggs over. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Birds and bees

What perfect timing for this theme. Bees are slowly finding their way out and we are noticing more and more birds everywhere. Yay!!
We discovered that birds and bees both have wings and both come back when it starts to warm up.
Thanks to Funshine for providing the Robin vocabulary word, the kids knew exactly what to look for.
We learned that every Robin has an orange belly and if they find an orange feather on the ground, that is probably came from a robin.

This is one of the books that came in the curriculum. 
I read a book over and over again and by the end of the week I can ask what comes next or tell me about the picture and they know exactly what happens next. 

One of the creative art activities was making a Rock -a-bye Robin prop. 
The kids stood them on the rounded edge and they can rock them .
We sang this song to go with it. 

Sung to "Rock a bye baby
Rock a bye Robin with an orange breast
You've had a long day; it's time for a rest.
You hopped in the grass and flew through the sky. 
And now it it time to go rock a bye.

Everyday the kids stand on the window sill and look for Robins. They get so excited every time they see one!