Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hats off to you

Before I found Funshine express I would always do my own lesson planning and sometimes that would be difficult especially with the same kids coming back every year
  Funshine changes that and provides many ideas and facts that I did not know about.
 We have been talking about hats and doing so many fun activities.
Yesterday we made chef hats and I provided aprons that we already had in the house area.
It was so cute watching the girls pretend they were chefs. I asked why chefs had to wear and hat and that if they did not the could find hair in the hair food. 
 They were pretty disgusted by that and one girl said she is going to tell her mommy to wear a hat because she is always leaving hair behind. Ha!

Mr. Potato head has a bunch of hats so we put different hats in each one and than kept switching th around.

Lena had fun with the vintage fire engine. She loved how tall the ladder went.

I have this pumpkin game and I just set it out in the table and Wait and see how the kids react. My daughter always says hey, what is that on the table?

We read Zoe's Hat and learned that she had sonny different hats.

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