Thursday, December 3, 2015

My senses.

I enjoy teaching about the 5 senses because there is so much stuff in the environment to use them with. 
 I had the kids close their eyes and we talked about what they see, the older ones knew it was nothing they saw, but the younger toddlers knew it was bed time when they closed their eyes, so they were not to hip with that activity. Ha!

The game for this theme is placing the pictures on each body part.
Ex.... We use our nose to smell, so they placed the flower on the nose. Of course they tried to really smell it!

Funshine express always provides 1/2 books that go with each theme. 
For this theme the book is Feeling Great!

It goes through all the feelings. The animals have a feeling just like me.

This was a favorite for sure. I was asked to read it over and over.
The best part, is listening to the kids retell the story in their own words.

The color of the Month is Green and I always like to play games or do an activity where they have to find the color we are learning about. 

I have this cute bowling game and I  had the kids try to roll the ball to the green pin. Most of them caught on right away. 

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