Monday, December 8, 2014

Candle talk

I hope  everybody had a good weekend. We are enjoying our second week of Joy Jamboree. Funshine provided so many fun things, we are exploring so many things.
Today we talked about candles and how different candles mean different things for certain holidays, Christmas advent wreaths,Jewish menorahs and kwanza kinaras. Candles are used to shine a little light, or make a room smell good.

Some days the kids want to be involved in so much, and other days I am lucky if I get 5 mins.
One of the games we played was Jack b nimble, jack be quick, but I changed jack to the kids name.
 For example: Lena be nimble
                       Lena be quick
                        Lena jumped over the  

They had so much fun with it. We jumped over small ones only, tall ones, all of them and discussed which were harder to jump over.

Seasonal stockings was the creative arts today. They were so cute and simple to make.  The tricky part of it was the fine motor of lacing the string, after sometime we got it!

I enjoy watching the faces as they work so hard stringing the stocking.

Funshine extras is a really great resource. I printed this matching game. They have to match the uppercase letter to the lower case letter. Lower case (or baby as we call them) can be a hard thing to catch on to. Usually the uppercase is the easiet because they learn that first. 
This game was great to learn the lowercase. They could also match the color the light and that helped get it along 

We had such a busy day today learning so many fun things. I look forward to spreading for funshine knowledge tomorrow.

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