Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Up and away

We have enjoyed our up and away theme so far.
We are learning about things that are in the sky, things that go up into the sky.

Some examples we went over were, kite, clouds, birds, airplanes and sun.
Our first activity of the new theme was oh, Mr. Sun. 

We painted the sun and folded it in half to provide a design and them used paint to make Rays.
I let them do all the cutting , so their circles are not quite round, but it's the process, not the product.

We have had a ton of cloudy and raining weather, so being outside is a little more challenging, but we look out the window instead to see what's up in the sky. 

Mr. Eduardo the expressive eagle is our character trait for funshine for this theme. . He helped us understand all different expressions and how it is important to have expressions. We always need to try to use our words if a friend hurts my feelings.

Clouds are really cool and I enjoy teaching about them.
It is crazy every time I look up in the sky and see a cloud shaped into something.
We made some cloud shapes of own using cotton balls. 

Science can so simple and fun. Funshine makes science both those and more. Straws and cotton balls were all we needed to use our breath "wind" to move the clouds (cotton balls)

Lena and Kaelis are busy counting kite ribbons for Math. They had to pick a red a red card with a number on it and then put that many ribbons on the strings. 
 I added a twist and we took some away and then counted how many we took away. That way was not so fun😉,according to the girls. Ha!

If you are needing more time or out of ideas for curriculum, I would highly recommend funshine  The planning is all finished and all supplies you need come right to your door. That is my kinda way of lesson planning.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Check back later in the week for more fun. 

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