Happy Friday friends!
Fall is in the air for sure. Falling temps at night, mums, football and fall festivals. Where we live, every year, there is a fall festival the last weekend of the month. Carnival rides, vendors galore, and so much more. The kids get so excited every year when they start seeing the trucks with rides pull up.
Since we have been learning about where live, we talked about the happenings and things that happen each season in different neighborhoods.
I asked the parents if they could they could bring a family picture. I have gotten a few so far and I have taped on the wall. The kids will go over and point to the people in the family. I repeat the word family and siblings one day they will say it back!
In the Funshine express curriculum, one of the activities was to make circles with play dough. We made all different shapes. I pointed out that we had made circles because on was the outline of the shape.
There was a house matching game from another activity and fun shine suggested taping craft sticks to the pack of them and make a neighborhood in sand. I decided to use play dough instead. It was easier for the littles to stick them in and a little cleaner since we were doing it inside.
We discussed that a lot of houses in one place is called a neighborhood.
I love how all of a sudden the littles will say something that was talked about in the past. They really listen and soak it up!
If you are looking for a curriculum that is easy to follow and no planning, Funshine is for you. It makes my day so much easier knowing that everything is planned for me. The ideas that they have, are so creative and different. I would never think of something like that. It is great for homeschool, in home, preschools, daycares. Enough materials come for each child. If you want to learn more, follow the link, funshineexpress.com Remember to follow me on Instagram @coleyclark30 and like my facebook page.
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