Today we finished up our up and away. We learned so much about things that fly in the sky and creatures that fly .
We made the cutest hot air balloons and of course I forgot to take a picture .
We talked about birdies and that by using their wings they stay on the sky, if they stop flapping gravity will make them fall.
We finished up our up and away theme by making these cute cloud buddies.
Funshine curriculum said to use cotton balls, but I had shaving cream on hand and I thought it would be a good sensory activity to do, especially since I have toddlers as well.
Next week we will dive into baby animals.
As the year is coming to a end, I have to say that funshine express made it so much easier for the children to learn and all the activities that funshine provides. It also gave me a chance to interact more because everything is all planned out and I can get everything ready the night before and it gives me time to focus on the kids more.
If you are looking for a great curriculum , I would highly recommend funshine.
They also just added jitterbugs which is a summer curriculum for ages 6-10. Perfect for keeping their brains working during the summer. Might have to get it for my 2.
Have a super weekend !
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