Thursday, March 30, 2017

Pirates etc....

We are on our last week of sail away and will move onto April themes. This year flew by. 
During circle time we talked about why pirates like to find gold coins in buried treasures. 
We did some coin rubbings. The girls thought it was really cool to see the coin come on paper. We did all different shapes. 

Lighthouses are also part of the curriculum talk. I am not sure I have ever seen a real lighthouse myself, but we looked up all kinds of lighthouses. 

During free choice time the girls decided to make a ship and the barbies would float on it. Oh the conversations that were going on were great!

The girls really liked these treasure boxes that they made. They knew the gold paper was good because it was gold. They had a lot of fun playing with the pirate that was with the treasure . 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Sailing away cont...

In the funshine  express curriculum word wall words come with each theme.  These are the words for the sail away theme. 

This book is the book of the of the month. It gives different ways to sing Row Row Row your boat with different words. The kids really like this one. 

Barrett and Lydia are playing the game that came with the curriculum. The choose cards that make the picture of the boat and finish the puzzle. 

This is a sailboat puzzle. I got out the shapes and then the kids match them up to make the sailboat. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

St Patrick's day and sail away.


Sailing away is the next theme we are going to talk about. We used blue paper and cut waves and then added sea stickers. 


For st. Patrick's day we made these cute lebercahn hat. I had one child say it looks light house. Well , it kinda does. It was for the kids to visualize that they were hats. We looked up a hat on a lebracahn.

One activity was to make sail boats. We used styrofoam bowls , craft sticks. We played them in water . I love how the girls put in the little people to ride in them. Check out the video on my Facebook page.

With every monthly curriculum a nursery rhyme comes in it and it has to do with the theme. I had no idea there were so many nursery rhymes that coordinate with the themes. We talked about the two sea's see's. I think they got it. 

We will continue with sailing away next week. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Wacky weeks

Well so many obstacles have been in the way of posting. First stomach bug and then my phone crashing and losing ALL my pictures. So I have to start over . So hopefully I can get consistent again.
Today we continued with wacky weeks and learning about the Letter T. 
We made a Tree for the letter T. 
We went around the room looking for items that may start with the letter T. 

Practice sheets come in the curriculum every month. They have them for the letters , shapes , and colors. Amelia is practicing tracing the letter T and coloring the items that start with T.

Science is always an activity that is daily, however we do not do it everyday. Depending on the activity. 
Today was the difference between Fizz and foam. 
For the fix activity we observed flavored water going into the glass and listening I the bubbles fizz. The girls thought it was so cool. 
Click on the link to see it. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Snake on a stick and funny shape match

The kids loved these snakes on a stick. They were an activity from our last theme of  tropics in the winter and rainforest animals.
This was a fun activity to match shapes and textures. 
 The Funshine theme for this week is wacky weeks. 
We celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday by ready one of his famous books and playing a tic tac game with fish. 
We also introduced Carson the The clever Crocodile . 
We talked about that clever means intelligent in a creative way.  We talked about having an imagination and how to use when playing with things .
We will be silly this week with lots of silly activities.