We have been busy mixing colors and learning all about what colors mix to make other colors.
Funshine express always provides a book list to use with the theme. I like to pick a couple and then choose one to focus on and extend activities from it. Mouse paint was the book I chose and the kids have loved it. They anticipate what colors will be made.
The kiddos really enjoyed squirting the food coloring in and watching it drop in and the observe the color change. Their eyes lit up and were so excited to see the colors changing. We changed the colors several times because they enjoyed squeezing the food coloring in.
Paint can be messy, but oh so fun! With this activity, we crumbled up paper and dapped into paint and then blotted away. One thing I was excited about was they noticed that the colors were mixing and making different colors. We discussed that even with paint, colors can mix and make other colors.
This month the opposites were dirty and clean. In the Funshine curriculum, one of the ways to learn about them was by washing dirty dishes and making them clean. I saved all the paint plates from the other day and they all had a blast washing the paint wash off. We explored the water and why it was changing colors. We observed the bubbles and what is making the paint disappear. The process is so much more than the product. It amazes how the brain can soak things up at such a little size and so many words are formed. Just amazing!
Of course I had to make a video!