Tuesday, March 31, 2015

In like a lion out like a lamb.

As March comes to an end and our spring theme does too, spring is becoming is becoming more like a lamb. 
We discussed how the weather can be really loud and fierce like a lion, and then April starts to become quiet and calm.

We made a list of what we would do on certain days. 
Kaelis is first , and then Lena. 

We made pinwheels and talked about what would happen to them when we put them outside in a windy day. We practiced blowing them and watching them turn around.

I love the pucker lips as she is blowing the pinwheel.

I love Lena's  creativity with this.

On the very last day of our theme, we had fun rolling a ping pong ball along paint and makin a cool design.

While manipulating the ping pong ball, it opened a good discussion about using different things to use paint with. We named a lot of things we could use

  We only 2 months of school left and since I have been using Funshine express, I have seen the girls grow in knowledge, experiment with things, o plan on using Funshine express next year with the toddlers. I will be using buttercups instead of fireflies. If there is ever time where you need fresh ideas or do not want to do lesson plans, than Funshine is for you. You will not regret at it all. I am thankful for the oppurtunity to be able use Funshine express. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Cloudy wrap up

I'm We finished our theme on weather. This was such a fun theme. The kids have so much more knowledge on clouds, rain, wind. 

On Friday we made cloud dough. I love doing these kinds of things with the kids. Math, science, cooking all mixed in one project. 

I had all the ingredients at home already so it was a perfect day to make it.

We are on spring break this next week so we doubled up on projects so we could stay caught up.

I love the Funshine Express word walls that you can get from funshine express/extras. The only exposure to all the words and matched with the picture. 

Lena did a fantastic job with her prewriting skills.

Our art project for the day was a cloudy puppet. There were a lot a steps to this, so it was a good opportunity to learn bout listening to instructions and the first and then concept.

 We look forward to seeing what April holds for activities with Funshine express.
Remember to follow me at instagram. @coleyclark30

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weather chart and parachute fun

We are still enjoying the changing weather theme. It is finally starting to feel like spring. It was warm for awhile and I was not ready for that. It is rainy and cool here today. The month of March is the perfect month to talk about changing weather. It changes on a daily basis!

Yesterday we made our own weather charts. We looked at each type of weather to see where we live has all the weather. It sure does.

We have Kaelis's hanging by her window so the first thing she does is look at the window to see what to change it to. In the summer though, it may not have much movement as it is sunny and hot most of the summer.

One of the dramatic play activities from Funshine express was to act out being meteorologists. I gave the girls the weather peices from our weather chart. It was fun listening to them. I heard Kaelis say, " it will be cloudy in the morning, but it will get sunny later because that is what  it does a lot."Ha! Yes.

Our favorite activity of the day was playing with a parachute and pretending it was the wind. One person would sit in the middle and then the rest would shake  like the wind. Everybody enjoyed it and everybody could participate. 

Friday, March 20, 2015


I love the things we are doing for changing season.

We have talked about clouds and rainbows and flowers.
Yesterday was a cloudy day so it was perfect that we talked about clouds. 

We read the book It looked like spilt milk. While reading the book, the girls would yell out what they saw.

After we read the book I told the girls we going to make our own it looked like spilt milk picture.

Thank you funshine express for the idea!
While we creating our pictures, we talked about the different changes in the weather and we dicovered the weather cannot make its mind up. It's hot, it's cold , it rains and sometimes snows in the springs. 

Happy first day of spring.
Today we looked at tulips and talked about what they looked like and that they are first flowers to bloom in the spring.
We learned that all the animals that are sleeping start to wake up and are hungry. 

One of the activities in the Funshine express curriculm book was to go a weather.com and look at our weather in our area and then compare over areas and states. So we did.
It has been raining here the past couple days so we were happy it showed sunshine days ahead! 
 The activity that was for creative arts today was to paint with forks because they will look like tulips.
When we were looking at the forks, we also looked at the tulips to see any similarities to them. 
A very observant Lena noticed that they looked more like a fork when they are closed. I think she is right!
We had fun painting with forks and making tulips. It was spring  looking.

Aren't they pretty! 

 Roadway way to spring was the game of the month. 
The girls had so much fun with this game .They had roll the cube that had different pictures of spring items and whatever they rolled they would move their game peice to that picture.  They played it once  like that, but then made up their own ways to play. They were counting how many squares they needed, which person would land on a rainbow first, etc...

With each theme, we learn so much and create so many neat things. I am very blessed to be part of funshine express and to be able to share the ideas.
If you ever consider homeschooling or you have an inhome daycare and just need a simple, but thought out curriculm. Funshine is a great route to go. They do all the planning for you, which for me is one of my favorite things about Funshine. 

You can see more ideas on my Instagram page @coleykidscreations and my Facebook page. 
Have a super weekend !

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rainbows and st. Patrick's day.

I was excited when I opened the Funshine express box and the second theme was changing seasons and doing games and a spring book was in there. That means Spring is right around the corner. Woohoo!
Yesterday we made a beautiful rainbow out of paper. The older children loved cutting the strips of paper.

We have been enjoying learning about St. Patrick's day and we were all shades of green today!

We enjoyed reading these books today and they were on the book list for funshine express curriculum. 

St. Patrick's day is a tricky holiday to explain, but they sure did know about the lepracauhn. We learned  what a clover is and what a four leaf clover means good luck. 

Today the creative arts activity was a St. Patrick's day charm bracelet. 

The kids had a lot fun mixing colors in a bag. We learned that blue and yellow make green. What the cool thing was, was squishing it and watching the colors mix. Lena practiced writing her name in the paint too. 

Funshine had such great ideas. Come back later in the week to see more. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

There is a wocket in my pocket

Well we are closing in on the end of our Dr. Seuss theme. This has been a really fun theme. 
 Funshine express has the best ideas for themes

Things we learned:
*who Dr. Seuss was 
* a lot of the books have counting and rhyming 
*he wrote a lot of silly words that did not make sense.
*what rhyming is 
* we learned about opposites , we read The Foot book about opposites 
*even though Dr. Seuss wrote silly books, he also wrote some serious ones.
* books are a great way to teach people how to be kind and responsible.

We made the lorax puppet which the kids loved having  a puppet show .

Today we made the cutest wocket in my pocket. We read the book There is a wocket in my pocket and I think out of the all the books we read, this was everybody's favorite.

Today we learned about Jokes. That they are suppose to funny. I think Lena was starting to get the understanding of them. We googled preschool jokes and some were pretty simple and funny.
As we were looking at them " Lena yells "there is my name" what? Lena is not a name you hear a lot, so we were both excited when we saw that.

Here is the joke. 

Pretty funny huh?

Next week we start Changing seasons theme. Yay! All about spring. 

Be on the lookout for pictures on Instagram @coleykidscreations and Facebook about changing seasons. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dr. Seuss part 2

  • We are continuing our theme on Dr.seuss. There are an infinity of ideas that go can be done with each book.
  • We talked about Red fish, blue fish and the foot book.
  •  I decided that it would fun to take our socks off and look at each other's feet. We looked at our toenails, the color , the shapes of our toes.
  • (However totally forgot to take a pic)
  • Some of us of funny looking feet, according to my friends, but we will not name any names!

  • We did a really cute one fish, two  fish activity today. 

  • Funshine express always provides the best games. Lena loves 5 monkeys jumping on the bed and she was thrilled to see this was one of the games.

  • We read the lorax and made these cute lorax puppets. These puppets are so cute. Barrett and Lena had a great time having a puppet show. Acting out the story. 
  • Funshine express has been such a blessing. The kids are learning so much and I love love that it all comes in a box with supplies.
  • We will finish the dr. Seuss theme this week.  Come back to see all the things we did to finish out the week.

  • Instagram is filled with so many resources And ideas . I have "met" so many great friends.
  • You can find me @coleykidscreations

Friday, March 6, 2015

Dr. Seuss part 1 wrap up

Happy Friday! 
I  am sure ready for spring and it feels like spring today. We enjoyed outside time, finally!
We have enjoyed learning about Dr. Seuss and all the fun words he used in his books.

We did some fun things this week. Crazy craft sticks was the creative arts activity for today.
We traced around a craft stick(2 different sizes ) and traced around them in different colors to make a colorful design.
Funshine will have an activity where all different collage items are set out an they create their own work.  Yesterday was the Zany puppet. That is lenas above. She wanted a lot of eyes so the puppet  could see all over. Anything was not silly. Dr. Seuss's books were always so silly and no really reason not to be.

We read Cat in the hat and pointed to all the words that rhymed in the book.
The girls had fun thinking of words that rhymed or they thought rhymed.
For movers and shakers we did silly steamers. Funshine always has a movers and shakers section for gross motor
I do not really have a hallway in my basement so I taped the streamers to windows and tables and the kids had to crawl , roll, step. Etc without disturbing the streamers. I had to put them a little higher than lower because I have some young ones that would have pulled on them and messed them up, which would make the older ones not happy😳
They had fun exploring all the options of movement though.
We are looking forward to seeing what more Dr. Seuss activities we have.
Have a super weekend .
Remember to find me on Instagram @coleykidscreations and Facebook page.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dr. Seuss

March is a good month! It's Dr. seuess's birthday and the month of spring .
On Monday we had a little celebration for Dr. Suess, but because I was so focused on the party, I did not take one picture! Grrr..
Funshine has so many awsome activities planned for our Dr. Seuss I cannot wait to continue more
On Monday we made Thing one hats, the girls wore them all day long.


I enjoy reading Dr. Seuss books. They are so fun and I can be silly reading them.
We read,1 fish, 2 fish , red fish, blue fish.

Today we read Mr. brown can moo. Lena said, "he makes so many silly noises, just not moo."
One of my parents sent me some facts about Some of the books. I thought they were interesting.

Reading was the topic today and books. We discussed that reading teaches us new words and facts and keeps our brains filled with ideas.
I asked Lena what a book mark was and she said "to Mark a book" ha! We made book marks to mark a book. 
That wraps up our 2 days. Come back later in the week to see all other activities funshine has in store!

Find more pictures on Instagram @coleykidscreations and my Facebook page.